Pre-installation Tasks

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The following tasks should be done before installing Crash Magic:


Review the hardware software requirements

Crash Magic server software and updates

1.Install any Windows updates to the server that will be running Crash Magic. This includes and .NET updates.

2.Install database drivers on the server that will be running the Crash Magic software( You should test establishing a connection to the database server using the database tools that install with the driver. Refer to documentation on your specific database driver.)

Crash Magic server. Gather information required for the server that will run Crash Magic

1.Machine name of the server. (Also public name, if different)

2.IP address of the server. (Also public IP, if different)

3.Server administrator log-in and password to configure IIS and to install the Crash Magic program

SYS DB server. Gather information required for the database or schema that will store the Crash Magic system tables

1.Name of the database server that will store the Crash Magic system tables, as the Crash Magic server will see it.

2.IP address of the database server

3.Administrator log-in and password to the database that can create the Crash Magic system tables. (DDL access)

Crash DB server. Gather information required for your crash database or schema

1.Name of the server that your crash data is stored on, as the Crash Magic server will see it.

2.IP address of the server

3.Database login and password to access your crash data

4.Database password

5.Oracle environments that restrict user sessions will also need to ensure that users have been granted enough sessions for the program to function correctly. While Crash Magic does reuse Oracle sessions, some user experiences require multiple Oracle sessions. Pd' Programming recommends a minimum of five oracle sessions per Crash Magic user.

Download the Crash Magic installation software from

Download the  XML configuration for Crash Magic for your agency. This configuration file will be imported into the system tables, and tells Crash Magic how to read the collision data. If creating a second instance of an existing server, this information may be exported from the existing system.

Request license information from Pd' Programming (

1.Jurisdiction name

2.License key for Crash Magic

3.Pd' Programming assigned client ID

4.User Group name

Confirm that you have sufficient hard drive space to install Crash Magic.


By default, Crash Magic will not allow a second instance of itself (.exe or .dll) to be run on a single server.  To override this, add the following line in the cmVirtualRegistry.ini file after installation:




The cmVirtualRegistry.ini file can be found in the Sys folder under the Crash Magic Program Data folders.