Crash Magic system tables

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Crash Magic uses system table to store user configuration and user data. Tables and fields are specific to the version of Crash Magic in use, and may not match the tables shown.


Note - the XML data is stored in CLOB fields for Oracle as shown in the following list. Prior to Oracle 9i the XML fields were Long data type. In MS SQL server the data type of these fields are memo.


Aliases table (ALIASES) - Contains location alias information

UserGroupID - Number field- The user group of the alias

UserID - Number field- The user of the alias

AliasID - Number field- The id of the alias

PSRAttrID - Number field- The id number of the PSRattr

DateCreated - Date field- Date user record was created

DateModified - Date field- The last date the user record was modified

DateAccessed - Date field- Last date the record was accessed for archive purposes

LocType - Number field- The type of location the alias record will be used for

FromRule1 - (50) Character field- Location information

FromRule1Unique1 - (50) Character field- Unique rule condition

FromRule1Unique2 - (50) Character field- Unique rule condition

ToRule1 - (50) Character field- Alias location information

ToRule1Unique1 - (50) Character field- Unique rule condition

ToRule1Unique2 - (50) Character field- Unique rule condition

FromRule2 - (50) Character field- Location information

FromRule2Unique1 - (50) Character field- Unique rule condition

FromRule2Unique2 - (50) Character field- Unique rule condition

ToRule2 - (50) Character field- Alias location information

ToRule2Unique1 - (50) Character field- Unique rule condition

ToRule2Unique2 - (50) Character field- Unique rule condition



CaseID Table (CID) - Contains crash record IDs for use with GIS and third party application calls

UserGroupID - Number field-  The user group of the record

UserID - Number field- The user ID of the record

ProjectID - Number field- The project id of the record

StudyID - Number field- The study id of the record

CIDID - Number field- The crash id.

DateCreated - Date field- Date user record was created.

DateModified  - Date field- The last date the user record was modified

DateAccessed  - Date field- The last date the user record was accessed for archive purposes

UniqueStr - (50) Character field- Unique string value for the record

UniqueDate  - Date field- Unique date value for the record

UniqueNum1 - Number field- Unique ID for the record

UniqueNum2 - Number field- Unique ID for the record

UniqueNum3 - Number field- Unique ID for the record

Name - (50) Character field- Record name



Group Table (UGROUP)- Contains Information on Crash Magic user groups

Name -(50) Character field- Name of group

Description -(255) Character field - Description of the group

DateCreated -Date field- Date group record was created

DateModified -Date field- The last date the record was modified

DateAccessed -Date field- Last date the record was accessed for archive purposes

ParentID -Number field- Contains the parent of record

ViewState –Number field- Stores the view state code for the current group

CurTab -(50) Character field- The current tab the group record is displaying

ObjType -(50) Character field- The type of object the program will store the in the record

EstXMLSize -Number field- Size of the XML data stored in the XMLData field

XMLData -CLOB field- Specific XML data for the group record

UserGroupID -Number field- The group that the user record belongs to

SharedUserID -Number field- The user id that contains the default objects for the group



Logged In Table Table (LOGGEDIN)- Contains Information on who is logged into Crash Magic

Name  -(50) Character field- User id of the person logged in

Description -(255) Character field - Description of the user logged in

DateCreated -Date field- Date group record was created

DateModified -Date field- The last date the record was modified

DateAccessed -Date field- Last date the record was accessed for archive purposes

ParentID -Number field- Contains the parent of record

ViewState –Number field- Stores the view state code for the current logged in user

CurTab -(50) Character field- The current tab the user is displaying

ObjType -(50) Character field- The type of object the program will store the in the record  

EstXMLSize -Number field- Size of the XML data stored in the XMLData field

XMLData -CLOB field- Specific XML data for the logged in user record

UserGroupID -Number field- The group that the logged in user record belongs to

UserID -Number field- The user ID of the user that is logged in

LoggedInID -Number field- ID assigned to the logged in user

MachineName -(1000) Character field- Name of the machine in use by the user

SessionId -(50) Character field- Session ID of the user



Project Table (PROJECT)- Stores information on Crash Magic projects

Name -(50) Character field- Name of project

Description -(255) Character field - Description of the project

DateCreated -Date field- Date the project record was created

DateModified -Date field- The last date the project was modified

DateAccessed -Date field- Last date the record was accessed for archive purposes

ParentID -Number field- Contains the parent of the project

ViewState –Number field- Stores the view state code for the current project

CurTab -(50) Character field- The current tab the project is displaying

ObjType -(50) Character field- The type of object the program will store the record in

EstXMLSize -Number field- The size of the project XML data

XMLData -CLOB field- Specific XML data for the project record

UserGroupID -Number field- The group that the user record belongs to

UserID -Number field- The user id that owns the project

ProjectID -Number field- A number to identify the current project



PSRattr Table (PSRATTR)- Table to store project study and report attributes

Name -(50) Character field- Name of the PSRattr record

Description -(255) Character field - Description of the PSRattr

DateCreated -Date field- Date PSRattr record was created

DateModified -Date field- The last date the PSRattr record was modified

DateAccessed -Date field- Last date the record was accessed for archive purposes

ParentID -Number field- Contains the parent of the PSRattr

ViewState –Number field- Stores the view state code for the current PSRattr

CurTab -(50) Character field- The current tab the PSRattr record is displaying

ObjType -(50) Character field- The type of object the program will store the record in

EstXMLSize -Number field- Size of the XML data stored in the XMLData field

XMLData -CLOB field- Specific XML data for the PSRattr record

UserGroupID -Number field- The group that the PSRattr record belongs to

UserID -Number field- The user ID the PSRattr record belongs to

PSRAttrID -Number field- The ID number of the PSRattr

ProjectId -Number field- The ID of the project under which the PSRattr resides

StudyId -Number field- The ID of the study under which the PSRattr resides

ReportId -Number field- The ID of the study under which the PSRattr resides



Report Table (REPORT)- Stores information on Crash Magic reports

Name -(50) Character field- Name of the report

Description -(255) Character field - Description of the report

DateCreated -Date field- Date report was created

DateModified -Date field- The last date the report was modified

DateAccessed -Date field- Last date the record was accessed for archive purposes

ParentID -Number field- Contains the parent of record of the report

ViewState -Number field- Stores the view state code for the current report

CurTab -(50) Character field- The current tab the report record is displaying

ObjType -(50) Character field- The type of object the program will store the record in

EstXMLSize -Number field- The estimated size of the XML data stored in the record

XMLData -CLOB field- Specific XML data for the report record

UserGroupID -Number field- The group that the report belongs to

UserID -Number field- The user id that the report belongs to

ReportID -Number field- The id to identify the report

StudyID -Number field- The ID that identifies study the report belongs to

ProjectID -Number field- The project that report belongs to



Study Table (STUDY)- Stores information on Crash Magic studies

Name -(50) Character field- Name of the study

Description -(255) Character field - Description of the study

DateCreated -Date field- Date study was created

DateModified -Date field- The last date the study was modified

DateAccessed -Date field- Last date the record was accessed for archive purposes

ParentID -Number field- Contains the parent of record of the study

ViewState -Number field- Stores the view state code for the study

CurTab -(50) Character field- The current tab the study record is displaying

ObjType -(50) Character field- The type of object the program will store the record in

EstXMLSize -Number field- The size of the XML data in the study

XMLData -CLOB field- Specific XML data for the study record

UserGroupID -Number field- The group that the user record belongs to

UserID -Number field- The user id that owns the study

StudyID -Number field- The id that identifies the study

ProjectID -Number field- The project id that study belongs to



User Table (USER)- Contains Information on Crash Magic users.

Name -(50) Character field- Name of user

Description -(255) Character field - Description of the user

DateCreated -Date field- Date user record was created

DateModified -Date field- The last date the user record was modified

DateAccessed  - Date field- The last date the user record was accessed for archive purposes

ParentID -Number field- Contains the parent id of the current user record

ViewState - Number field- Stores the view state code for the current user

CurTab -(50) Character field- The current tab the user record is displaying

ObjType -(50) Character field- The type of object the program will store the record in

EstXMLSize -Number field- Size of the XML data stored in the XMLData field

XMLData -CLOB field- Specific XML data for the user record

UserGroupID -Number field- The group that the user record belongs to

UserID -Number field- Number assigned to each user in the system

ULogin -(50) Character field- The login for the current user

UPassword -(50) Character field- The encrypted password for user

CanAdmin -Number field- Administrator access flag for the user

CurAdminUserGroupID - Number field- The current admin user group id

CurAdminUserID - Number field- The current user ID of the admin

CurAdminPSRAttrID - Number field- The current PSRAttr ID of the admin

CurUserGroupID - Number field- The current user ID of the login

CurUserID -Number field- The current user of the login

CurProjectID -Number field- The current project ID of the login

CurStudyID -Number field- The current study of the login

CurReportID -Number field- The current report of the login






Document Data Table (DOCDATA)- Stores supplemental documents added by users.

Name -(50) Character field- Name of the report

Description -(255) Character field - Description of the report

DocID -Number field- The id to identify the document stored

Document -BLOB field- Binary object

DateCreated -Date field- Date document record was created

DateModified -Date field- The last date the report record was modified

BlobFormat -(255) Character field - The format the BLOB is stored in

DateAccessed -Date field- Last date the record was accessed for archive purposes





Document Refernce Table (DOCREF)- Stores references to documents stored in Crash Magic.

Name -(50) Character field- Name of document reference

Description -(255) Character field - Description of document reference

DateCreated -Date field- Date document reference record was created

DateModified -Date field- The last date the document reference was modified

ParentID -Number field- Contains the parent of record of the document reference

ViewState -Number field- Stores the view state code for the current document reference

CurTab -(50) Character field- The current tab the document reference is displaying

ObjType -(50) Character field- The type of object the program will store the record in

DocRefID -Number field- The id to identify the document reference stored

DocID -Number field- The document id the reference is pointing to

UserGroupID -Number field- The group the reference belongs to

UserID -Number field- The user the reference belongs to

ReportID -Number field- The report the reference belongs to

StudyID -Number field- The study the reference belongs to

ProjectID -Number field- The project the reference belongs to

PSRAttrID -Number field- The PSRAttr the reference belongs to

FromToRuleID -Number field-  From to rule used by the reference

EstProcessTime -Number field- Estimated time to process the reference

EstXMLSize -Number field- The estimated size of the XML data stored in the record

DateAccessed -Date field- Last date the record was accessed for archive purposes





From To Rule Table (FROMTORULE)- Stores rules for changing displayed data.(Mainly used for street name changes)

FromToRuleID -Number field-  The id of the From To Rule

DateCreated -Date field- Date the From To Rule was created

DateModified -Date field- Date the From To Rule was last modified

FromRule -(255) Character field- The from criteria for the rule

FromUnique1 -(255) Character field- A unique criteria to apply the From rule to

FromUnique2 -(255) Character field- A unique criteria to apply the From rule to

ToRule -(255) Character field- The to criteria for the rule

ToUnique1 -(255) Character field- A unique criteria to apply the To rule to

ToUnique2 -(255) Character field- A unique criteria to apply the To rule to

DateAccessed -Date field- Last date the record was accessed for archive purposes




Replacement Reference Table (REPLACEREF)- Stores information referencing replacement categories to From To Rules

ReplaceRefID -Number field- The number that identifies the replacement reference

FromToRuleID1 -Number field- The From To Rule referenced

FromToRuleID2 - Number field - The From To Rule referenced (used for intersection aliases)

ReplaceCatID -Number field- The replacement category referenced

DateCreated -Date field- Date replacement reference was created

DateModified -Date field- Date the replacement reference was last modified

DateAccessed -Date field- Last date the record was accessed for archive purposes

LocType -Number field- The program constant for type of alias (Intersection, street name, node, etc)

Purpose -Number field- The reason the alias was entered (Same location, misspelling, etc)